1832 Fetal Phonics

Monday, June 23, 2008
Petree C (LA Convention Center)
Susan Frejofsky, RNC , MacDonald Women's Hospital, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH
Fetal Phonics


Ensuring patient safety through usage of uniform terminology


  1. Application of NICHD nomenclature throughout UH MacDonald WH.
  2. Educate all members of multidisciplinary perinatal team
  3. Update Guidelines and documentation tools


Nursing and physician leadership compared current standards to national recommendations and national patient safety goals. A task force was convened to plan the implementation of the NICHD standards. Planning meetings were initiated in summer 2006 and the classes began fall 2006 with full implementation of Jan 2007.  Education was mandated for nursing staff and strongly encouraged within the physician staff for all of Mac  


Leadership assessed need and developed taskforce

Subcommittees formed for specific aspects of project, to include documentation, policy changes and staff education. Curriculum and implemented through educational sessions.  Policies and documentation tools were updated. Staff began to utilize new nomenclature upon education completion and full implementation of NICHD terminology began Jan 2007. 


NICHD terminology is being used consistently by all providers throughout Mac. All nursing staff attended educational sessions, and physician participation was strong.  New guidelines were used beginning Jan 07.  Chart review was completed and remediation was provided when necessary. 

Key lessons learned

Mandatory scheduling of nursing staff ensured full compliance with educational requirements.  Although educational content was shared, physicians developed their own content and felt more comfortable developing their own material.  Computer documentation updating took much longer than anticipated.  Follow up education was necessary to ensure integration of the nomenclature into practice.