2051 Many Hospital Teams.....One Mission: Improving Perinatal Outcomes

Tuesday, June 24, 2008: 3:45 PM
518 (LA Convention Center)
Kim Armour, CNP, APN, RDMS , Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, IL
Susan Gullo, RNC, BSN, MS , Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Cambridge, MA

Tuesday, June 24, 2008: 2:15 PM-3:30 PM:
Audio file Recorded presentation PDF file

Tuesday, June 24, 2008: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM:
Audio file Recorded presentation

Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Perinatal IMPACT
Many Hospital Teams…One Mission: Improving Perinatal Outcomes

I.                    Introduction to the program

II.                 Model of Improvement Overview

III.               PDSA Cycles

IV.              Bundles

a.       Augmentation

b.      Elective Induction of Labor

c.       Vacuum Use

V.                 Review of Results

VI.              Learnings to Date

VII.            What Can YOU Do?

VIII.         Sharing of Tools

IX.              Questions and Answers

The above outline will focus on a concise overview of the teams involved in the IHI Perinatal IMPACT program and how they developed processes to create a culture of patient safety and enhanced outcomes. The program will focus on the clinician’s learning in contributing to excellent care for both the mother and fetus including the use of a safety survey on the culture in the work place.  This information is utilized by the teams to assist in making change in culture that will enhance the opportunity to improve the delivery of care and patient safety.  The readiness of a unit and its culture to implement the augmentation bundle, induction of labor and vacuum use bundles will be reviewed, focusing on improvement in the delivery of perinatal care as a foundation. Other areas that are addressed and focused on with the PERINATAL IMPACT hospital teams include safety, effectiveness and reliability of care as well as patient centeredness and timely and efficient systems. The sharing of this program, tools and learning by the current 50+ hospital teams can be just what your team needs!