2359 Spiritual Care, The Forgotten Needs of Patients

Monday, June 23, 2008
Petree C (LA Convention Center)
Often times, the Spiritual Needs of patients are forgotten.New parents,siblings and families may not be ready or are devastated by bad news concerning their new infant.

A Premie who may not survive an infant with major medical problems, the term or near term fetal demise are all situations where Nurses can intervene beyond usual nursing care.

Ministry of presence, Scripture or Prayer, emergency infant Baptism are all avenues to support parents of ill or deceased infants.

The Spiritual Care Registered Nurse resource Program is one such Innovatiuve program that supports such families. Located with the University Community Hospital System in Tampa, Florida over 60 participants assist with Ministry to patients.

The Author is a member of thie unique team and practices in the Women's Center. This area houses a large L&D suite, NICU as well as Gyn & MCH nursing Units.

The ANA Scope & Standards of Faith Community Nursing serve as a foundation for this program. Dr. Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring for Nursing is the hallmark of Nursing Practice in the UCH system.

The goals of this program are threefold: to support all patients & families who request Spiritual Support, to support other professionals who may not be comfortable or lack knowledge regarding Spiritual Interventions, to provide information to Physicians, NPs & PAs regarding the importance of spiritual care to their patients.

The objectives of this presentation are to provide the participant with an overview of this program, discuss Nursing Diagnoses related to Spiritual Care and present an actual case study where interventions made an lasting impression on a family of a critically ill newborn.

The author will present the FICA assessment tool for Spiritual Care and discuss Ministry of presence as an important Nursing Intervention.

Regardless of the participant's Faith, Religious Beliefs or Practices, this presentation sends a powerful message to all; Nursing is a Profession which embraces the Human Heart and Spirit. How we use our gifts defines whether Nursing is a job or calling.