Sunday, June 24, 2012

Title: Placenta Percreta: Enhancing the Family Experience

Woodrow Wilson (Gaylord National Harbor)
Linnette E. Carter, MS, RN-BC, APN , Obstetrics, Rockford Health System / Rockford Memorial Hospital, Rockford, IL
Patricia L. Aronson, BSN, RNC-OB , Obstetrics, Rockford Health System / Rockford Memorial Hospital, Rockford, IL
Mary J. Cascio, BSN, RNC-OB , Obstetrics, Rockford Health System / Rockford Memorial Hospital, Rockford, IL

Discipline: Childbearing (CB)

Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe the members of the obstetrical team and their role in meeting the goals of the family experience.
  2. Explain the nursing approach in caring for a patient and family facing a life threatening maternal condition.
  3. Initiate safety planning early to achieve the best possible outcomes for mother and baby.
Submission Description:

Patient came to RMH during her 4th pregnancy. Gravida 4, para 3, with known precreta and placenta previa. She had issues with spotting during her pregnancy and had ultrasounds to confirm previa, she recieved confirmation of percreta at RMH. Pt is married and 39 years old. She is also a practicing Catholic.  She takes Zoloft daily and prenatal vitamins. She does not drink or smoke cigarettes. She has mild asthma and uses the occassional albuterol inhaler.She  denies any other medicine or drugs ingestion. She had 3 previous c/s.

Case:   This patient was admitted  before her c/hyst. She was admitted to our High Risk perinatal unit. She than had the opportunity to talk with nursing, neonatology, perinatalogy, and anthesiology. We than could answer her and her husband's questions. She previously had been instructed by the RN manager to have her husband with her. She was also instructed to make a living will, which she had done before admission. She was nervous but also excited to see her baby.


 The c/hyst was performed in a very deliberate order. She had varies lines placed and her c/s done under spinal anethesia. Her husband was at her side during the cesarean section. Both, her husband and the patient was able to see, touch and talk to the baby after delivery. The patient then was put under general anethesia for the remainer of the surgery. She did have bladder involvement and all the proper surgeons where there for their part of the surgery. After recovery of surgey, she was able to be discharged and resumed her life.

Keywords: Placenta Percreta, Joyous Birth, Family Experience