Title: Supporting the Survivor: Creating an Evidence Based Program That Helps Survivors of Sexual Abuse Plan for Labor and Birth
- Identify the steps taken to develop an evidence based practice program to address the needs of survivors of sexual abuse.
- State three risk factors that survivors of childhood sexual abuse face in the childbearing year.
- Identify the process of planning for labor with patients at risk for a traumatic birth.
Proposed change: A nursing intervention was created with the goal of helping to facilitate a positive birth experience for this population. Participants come to the unit during their pregnancy and receive a tour; verbal education about labor and birth; and a written resource list. The participant fills out a brief intake form that asks about her fears/concerns about birth and her typical ways of coping with stress. Common PTSD triggers are reviewed and coping strategies are discussed. The Resource Nurse creates a nursing care plan that addresses the woman’s specific concerns and outlines planned strategies. The plan is reviewed/revised by the patient and distributed to her provider and her labor nurse.
Implementation, outcomes and evaluation: Current literature was reviewed and a need identified. A proposal that included the risks for this population, the desired outcomes and projected costs of the program was presented to leadership. It was agreed that the opportunity for increased quality and patient satisfaction justified the need for this program. Education of the region about this high risk population was facilitated by securing a grant to fund a regional conference with nationally recognized experts in the field. Focus then shifted to educating individual providers about the program. A dedicated phone line and an intake and interview process were established. Patient, physician and nurse feedback about the intervention have been very positive. Still in process is a quantitative and qualitative evaluation system to track outcomes and a formal education program for Resource Nurses.
Implications for nursing practice: This program is an example of how nurses can implementing an Evidence Based Program for a high risk population with the potential to improve patient satisfaction.
Keywords: childhood sexual abuse, birth, survivor services program, birth plan