Sunday, June 24, 2012

Title: Caring for Simon: A Case Study in Care for an Infant with Trisomy 18

Woodrow Wilson (Gaylord National Harbor)
Deborah A. Bruns, PhD , Educational Psychology and Special Education, Southern Illinois Univesity Carbondale, Carbondale, IL
Sheryl Crosier, MBA/MA , Independent Business Development Consultant, St. Louis, MO

Discipline: Newborn Care (N)

Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe the presenting medical conditions and complications present in infants with full trisomy 18.
  2. Analyze the evolution of the care plan for an infant with a myriad of complex needs
  3. Delineate recommended NICU practices for infants presenting with rare trisomy conditions such as full trisomy 18
Submission Description:

Literature describes the prognosis for newborns with full trisomy 18 (t18) as poor citing only approximately 10% of newborns surviving to their first birthday. Cause of death is usually related to complications due to central apnea and/or cardiac anomalies such as ventricular septal defect (VSD). Several recent studies describe medical interventions for surviving newborns including provision of supplemental oxygen, continuous positive airway pressure and related mechanical ventilation. There needs to be further examination of the care received by newborns with full t18 during the prenatal, neonatal and immediate perinatal periods. Professionals must be aware of possible medical complications as well as strategies to facilitate collaboration to ensure appropriate treatment decisions.


Simon was born on September 7, 2010 at 38 weeks gestation. He weighed 1900 grams and presented with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), VSD, coarctation and a bilateral cleft lip. He was diagnosed at three days with t18 and lived 88.5 days in a Level III neonatal intensive care unit of a mid-sized hospital in the Midwest.

Simon’s team of care providers included neonatologists, a pediatric cardiologist, a pharmacist, nurses and respiratory therapists. This group worked closely with Simon’s parents to make treatment decisions (e.g., prostaglandins, insertion of a peripherally inserted central catheter) and manage daily care such as feeding and bathing. Most decisions were made collaboratively. When disagreements occurred, often due to his diagnosis, the majority of Simon’s nurses honored his parents’ preferences. Nurses also provided support and information to Simon’s parents and his older brothers (aged seven and five).  

Initially, Simon was a candidate for heart surgery but respiratory complications delayed development of a plan until close to the time of his passing. Apnea episodes became frequent and decisions were made to the optimal method of response. Simon’s parents repeatedly voiced their objections to the types of interventions during apnea episodes. Several times, for example, Simon’s father objected to having him “bagged” but rather for Simon to “come back around”. They also advocated introducing tastes of breast milk which Simon enjoyed. He also was fond of bath time with his brothers. Simon communicated these emotions through gaze and facial expressions.


Simon’s life offers implications for nursing practice including blending medical treatments and family-centered care in the face of a bleak diagnosis. There is a need for care that is professional and compassionate regardless of diagnosis.  

Keywords: trisomy 18, NICU care team, cardiac anomalies, decision making, collaboration