Sunday, June 24, 2012

Title: Cesaren Section:Transforming an Intensive Care Room Into an Operating Room

Woodrow Wilson (Gaylord National Harbor)
Quin Elizabeth Morgan, RN, BSN , Labor and Delivery, Long Beach Memorial, Downey, CA

Discipline: Professional Issues (PI)

Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe the interdisciplinary needs of performing a cesarean section in an intensive care unit.
  2. Describe the nurse’s role in preparing and intensive care unit room for surgery.
  3. Describe the needs for effective collaboration between NICU and Labor and delivery nurses.
Submission Description:

As nurses, often we are faced with many amazing challenges which cause us to be stronger or allow us to grow within ourselves and what we are fully capable of doing. In my presentation I will discuss the importance of teamwork and collaboration between not only obstetrical nurses but also Intensive care unit nurses and physicians. Through this collaboration and effective communication we were able to transform ICU into a working operating room.


 This patient was a 29 y/o female 30 weeks pregnant who was transferred to our hospital in critical condition. She presented with acute respiratory distress syndrome and hypotensive. She arrived intubated and in an induced coma. Prior to arriving in ICU I was given a report by my coordinator go to ICU and run a fetal strip and assess the current situation. When I arrived the patient was in atrial fibrillation. I then contacted my coordinator and discussed the critical nature of her condition. My coordinator then called perinatology to the ICU room .Within the hour a decision with made to perform an emergent cesarean section inside the ICU room. At this point we were supporting her blood pressure and oxygenation at this time.

 The staff and I had to act with haste. I called my coordinator and gave her a report and told her I needed another staff member, and for her to call women’s OR to send me an OR technician. I then observed and assessed the size of the intensive care room and the cleanliness of it. I began to clean and wipe the main counter top attempting to maintain aseptic technique. Both the primary ICU nurse and I started cleaning the overall environment. I was sent another RN and OB tech to assist when the transfer of items in the OR to the intensive care unit. The ACOG statement on patient safety states the need for adequate personnel and to minimize distractions.


After anesthesia arrived Coordination between myself and the ICU nurses and staff was vital. We both accumulated supplies from both women’s OR and ICU. We discussed needs for maintaining sterile technique and went over the c-section in our minds.  We also had NICU come up and we located an appropriate room to resuscitate the baby on delivery. We then began the c- section and through effective communication and collaboration the c section was successful. 

Keywords: assessment, teamwork , communication, coordination, , aseptic technique