Couplet Care: "The Magic Within"
Title: Couplet Care: "The Magic Within"
- Integrate knowledge of trends in couplet care care with the nursing process to achieve quality maternal and neonatal nursing care.
- Discuss the process of implementing couplet care and identified barriers.
- Understand the importance of involving parents in the ongoing care of their newborns to help prevent infant mortality and promote healthy newborns.
Couplet Care has demonstrated many benefits to keeping moms and babies together after delivery. The purpose of this project was to enhance the delivery experience and provide excellent outcomes for both mom and baby by incorporating evidenced-based care.
Proposed change:
Prior to the implementation of couplet care babies were taken to the newborn nursery shortly after delivery where they remained for several hours. Many were then placed in the nursery at night so mom could rest.
Labor & Delivery nurses were excellent at placing baby’s skin-to-skin immediately and working to facilitate breastfeeding. However, when transferring newborns to the nursery there was an interruption in the natural care process. The goal was to transition from traditional nursery care to couplet care.
Implementation, outcomes and evaluation:
The beginning phase of this process included a literature review along with contacting comparable hospitals. Our women's health team met to discuss the proposed process change; along with identifying possible barriers and necessary resources. The ground work was drafted to create “our ideal” process for Couplet Care.
An algorithm was constructed to outline the process which guided newborn care from birth to the postpartum unit. While on labor and delivery a transition nurse from the nursery would care for baby and a L&D nurse would care for mom. This allowed mother and baby to remain together skin-to-skin while each received care from their specialty nurse. When the dyad are transferred to postpartum, couplet care and rooming in are reinforced.
A fact sheet and brochure were designed to educate parents and visitors on the benefits of couplet care. All healthy babies remain with mom throughout their stay to empower parents to guide their newborns care.
The outcomes revealed that Couplet Care was very successful with only positive outcomes. A notable increase in patient satisfaction was voiced as evidenced by follow-up phone calls. Parents reported they felt more confident in caring for their newborns. Staff satisfaction and unit relationships improved. A considerable decrease in tachypneic and NAS admissions to NICU were reported. Positive anecdotal outcomes for mother have sparked our imagination for further research. Couplet care has shown to have magical outcomes for all involved.
Implications for nursing practice:
- Nursing culture transitioned from traditional care to evidence based practice care
- Nurses were empowered to make changes which affect the care, satisfaction, and outcomes of their patients
- Enhanced Interprofessional collaboration and communication
- Improved patient outcomes and satisfaction
Couplet care, skin-to-skin, transition