Nurses Leading the Way, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Nurses Leading the Way, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Title: Nurses Leading the Way, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Disciplines: Childbearing (CB), Newborn Care (N), Women’s Health (WH)
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the United States Public Health services' mission
- List three specific initiatives that support nursing leadership and the nursing model of health care as a keystone to health.
- Describe nursing's leadership role in global health
Nurses are natural leaders in healthcare, from the bedside to the White House, are stamping their mark on the future of healthcare. Please Join RADM Kerry Nesseler, as she highlights the integral role nurses have in shaping the future of healthcare on every level including public policy and government. This inspirational message will draw attention to nurses everywhere who are shaping the future of healthcare in both traditional and non-traditional roles. This message will motivate and rejuvenate nurses to overcome their hesitations and exercise their potential for leadership and influence in shaping the future of healthcare in the United States and the World.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014: 4:45 PM-5:45 PM
Coronado K & L (Disney Coronado Springs)
Presenting Author:
Kerry Paige Nesseler, MS, RN
Geraldine Tamborelli, MS, RN