Title: B5 - The Complexities of Breastfeeding Support on the Night Shift
Disciplines: Obstetric (OB), Neonatal (N), Professional Issues (PI)
Learning Objectives:
Submission Description:
Nurses on the night shift are often labeled as less supportive of breastfeeding. However, the dynamics of providing breastfeeding support may be more complex at night, particularly on a newborn’s second night. This presentation will describe night nurses’ work of breastfeeding support and discuss strategies for meeting the challenges of encouraging exclusive breastfeeding when confronted at 0400 with an exhausted mother, an unsettled infant, and a frantic father.
Monday, June 13, 2016: 1:45 PM-2:45 PM
Grapevine B (Gaylord Grapevine)
Shellie Nelson, MSN, RN
Presenting Author:
Jane S. Grassley, PhD, RN, IBCLC