Title: E4 - Y and Y Not: The New Generation of Nurses

Disciplines: Professional Issues (PI)

Learning Objectives:
  1. Describe characteristics and themes attributed to Generation Y nurses.
  2. Discuss barriers to retaining Generation Y nurses in the workforce.
  3. Identify recruitment, integration and retention strategies for Generation Y nurses.
Submission Description:
A generation that has grown up with the Internet, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, 9/11 and the ENRON scandal... Generation Y nurses are integrating the workforce with a unique set of motivations, expectations, and personalities. Nurse leaders are being tested on every angle with managing, recruiting, and retaining this unique generation of nurses. This session will explore this generation's needs in the workplace, highlighting strategies to engage, motivate and retain them as part of the nursing workforce.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012: 10:45 AM-11:45 AM
Potomac D (Gaylord National Harbor)
Tiffany Kay Bennett, RNC-OB, MS-NL
Presenting Author:
Clifton J. Kenon Jr., DNP, RN, IBCLC