G5 - Having It All: The Compelling Evidence for Neonatal Resuscitation with an Intact Cord
G5 - Having It All: The Compelling Evidence for Neonatal Resuscitation with an Intact Cord
Title: G5 - Having It All: The Compelling Evidence for Neonatal Resuscitation with an Intact Cord
Disciplines: Childbearing (CB), Newborn Care (N)
Learning Objectives:
Submission Description:
A primary contraindication to delayed cord clamping for both preterm and term infants is the need for evaluation and resuscitation. Unfortunately, it is these same infants who may benefit most from the known benefits of increased hemodynamic stability an intact cord offers. By ensuring continuous placental perfusion, fetal circulation is maintained giving the compromised neonate more time to make the transition. Until recently though, it has been necessary to separate mother and baby for resucitation to occur in most settings. This presentation will explore the evidence for and workability of 'bedside' resuscitation with an intact cord.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015: 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Grand Ballroom 2 (Long Beach Convention Center)
Stacy McNall, MN, RN, CLC
Presenting Author:
Mayri Sagady Leslie, CNM, MSN, EdD