Title: PC5 - Postpartum Potpourri

Disciplines: Professional Issues (PI), Newborn Care (N), Childbearing (CB)

Learning Objectives:
  1. Summarize the essence of postpartum nursing.
  2. Apply evidence-based strategies to enhance effectiveness of postpartum patient education.
  3. Appraise recent research and best practices related to breastfeeding support, psychosocial assessment for postnatal mood disorders and management of acute postpartum pain in women managed on opioids.
Submission Description:
Postpartum care has been changing. Has your practice evolved? This workshop will update you on the dynamic specialty of postpartum nursing with topics ranging from postpartum mood disorders, to the latest ideas about innovative patient education, discharge planning and baby friendly practices that all hospitals can adopt. Faculty will also address the “new realities” such as shorter stays, higher numbers of post-cesarean patients, and adapting care to accommodate multicultural or non-traditional families and millennial generation moms with different learning styles.
Saturday, June 23, 2012: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Chesapeake 7-9 (Gaylord National Harbor)
Anne Santa-Donato, RNC, MSN
Presenting Authors:
Betsy Davis, RN, MSN, IBCLC and Misty Johnson, DNP, CRNP
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