Title: PC8 - Dancing with Disaster: Steps to Managing Intrapartum Obstetric Emergencies

Disciplines: Newborn Care (N), Childbearing (CB), Advanced Practice (AP)

Learning Objectives:
  1. Appraise changes associated with pregnancy which can affect both the nature of an injury and the body’s response to it, and implications in the assessment and treatment of mother and fetus.
  2. Review pathophysiology and management of preeclampsia and eclampsia.
  3. Define Chronic Abruption Oligohydramnios Sequence (CAOS).
Submission Description:
With all obstetric emergencies, there is an increased risk of adverse outcomes for the mother and fetus. Sharpening assessment, management, and critical thinking skills is imperative. Using evidence-based research and a case study approach, attendees will study the recognition and management of various intrapartum obstetric emergencies such as eclampsia, maternal trauma, and sepsis, and their surprisingly similar pathophysiologic mechanisms. The speaker will merge his high risk experience with the most current management strategies and diagnostic tools, addressing laboratory values, vital signs, and fetal heart rate tracing interpretation.
Sunday, June 24, 2012: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Chesapeake 4-6 (Gaylord National Harbor)
Teresa Buchda, RNC-OB, MS-NL
Presenting Author:
Thomas Strong, Jr, MD
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