Title: H3 - Bioethical Decisions: Vulnerable Patients in Maternal-Child Healthcare
Disciplines: Obstetric (OB), Neonatal (N), Professional Issues (PI), Women’s Health (WH)
Learning Objectives:
Submission Description:
Women, fetuses and newborns all represent the vulnerable patient. This abstracts serves to provide a glimpse into the complex nature of honoring the patient’s autonomy and the real-life challenges our healthcare environment poses. The ability to look at an ethical dilemma, recognize the struggle from an ethical standpoint, and the acknowledgement that the definition of the “patient” is heavily influenced by our own social and personal perspectives is critical to decisions related to the care of vulnerable patients.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016: 8:15 AM-9:45 AM
Grapevine A (Gaylord Grapevine)
Mary Ellen Boisvert, MSN, CLC, CCE
Presenting Author:
Dixie K. Weber, MS, RNC-NICU