Title: F4 - Women, Sexuality, and Intimacy Across the Lifespan
Disciplines: Obstetric (OB), Professional Issues (PI), Women’s Health (WH)
Learning Objectives:
Submission Description:
The spectrum of sexuality and intimacy varies from one woman to another and throughout a woman’s lifespan. Normal sexual changes occur with puberty, pregnancy and postpartum, menopause, and older age, and are mediated by a complex interplay of psychological, interpersonal, environmental, and biological factors. This presentation will describe the elements of sexuality, intimacy, sexual dysfunction, and the importance of sexual health for women of all ages.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016: 2:15 PM-3:15 PM
Texas 4-6 (Gaylord Grapevine)
Susan Dendrinos, MSN, RNC
Presenting Author:
Cheryl D. Larry-Osman, MS, CNM, RN