B6 - Recognition and Management of Sepsis in the Pregnant Patient
D4 - Developing and Implementing a Critical Care Obstetrics Program: The Levels of Maternal Care Are Coming!
PC4 – Bundling Simulation: Using Simulation to Implement the National Partnership for Maternal Safety Bundles
PC8 - Legal Issues in Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing
D4 - Developing and Implementing a Critical Care Obstetrics Program: The Levels of Maternal Care Are Coming!
PC4 – Bundling Simulation: Using Simulation to Implement the National Partnership for Maternal Safety Bundles
PC8 - Legal Issues in Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing
Prevent the Plunge: Using Nursing Pillows to Prevent Newborn Falls
A1 - Intermittent Auscultation & Electronic Fetal Monitoring: Legal and Scientific Issues
C1 - After the Root Cause Analysis: Maternal Death Case Studies
D5 - Rocky Mountain High; Weeding through the Issues of Marijuana Legalization
E5 - Rocky Mountain High; Weeding through the Issues of Marijuana Legalization
A1 - Intermittent Auscultation & Electronic Fetal Monitoring: Legal and Scientific Issues
C1 - After the Root Cause Analysis: Maternal Death Case Studies
D5 - Rocky Mountain High; Weeding through the Issues of Marijuana Legalization
E5 - Rocky Mountain High; Weeding through the Issues of Marijuana Legalization